#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #@author:wl #@qq:280026798@qq.com #@description:检测给定的关键字在百度上的排名 import sys import urllib ,urllib2 import re def baidu(w,pn): '''返回当前页的内容''' url= "http://www.baidu.com/s?" values = { "w":w.encode( 'gbk', 'ignore'), "pn":pn } data = urllib.urlencode(values) newurl = url + data response = urllib2.urlopen(newurl) the_page = response.read() return the_page def ana(data,mysite,pn): '''检测关键字的位置''' o = re.compile( r'href="(.+?)"') f = o.findall(data) line = pn for ff in f: ff = ff.strip() if not re.search( "^s\?",ff) and re.search( "^http:\/\/",ff) and not re.search( 'baidu.com',ff): if re.search(mysite,ff): print "* " ,line ,ff return True else: print line,ff line = line + 1 continue if __name__ == "__main__": mysite = sys.argv[ 2] pn = 1 while True: keyword = sys.argv[ 1].decode( 'gbk') data = baidu(keyword,pn) checkflag = ana(data,mysite,pn) if not checkflag: pn = pn + 10 print "page %s " % str(int(pn)/ 10) else: print 'found: %s ' % (mysite) break else: print 'not found: %s ' % (mysite)
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